Journey begins!

So here I am… An amateur programmer with some time on his hands during sleepless bedtime… Yes, I should be doing something else, but why not try this instead? It has always been my passion exploring new things since I could stand on my feet. So let me jump straight into introductions! I am a developer hailing from a really small country in middle of Europe called Slovakia. Ever since my brother showed me our new computer, anything related to it became sort of a passion for me. As a kid I played a lot of games on it (and I am still playing) but then came the tiny idea… Why not make my own? I had no clue what to do and most of my “games” were abandoned. But after all that time, something has stuck to me and that something was just enough for me to make a plunge into the world of programming. Now don’t get me wrong, I am really bad at it and I haven’t even finished school so there is a lot of room for improvement, but it is enough for me to start some sort of a small hobby of a game programmer and designer and with it my whole journey. So why pixel gentleman you might ask? Well I am not making my game(s) alone! With some of my friends and classmates we formed sort of a ragtag band of game developers called pixel gentlemen. There is one level designer/writer, 2 artists (+ me partly) and a programmer (me!). This is probably a short creation of boredom, but feel free to join me on my little journey to making proper games. 🙂

PS: Sleep time incoming but tommorrow I will try to introduce what game I am talking about!

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